Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Believe

I love the Olympics - especially the winter Olympics (or, Olympic Winter Games) because Canada actually has a chance to win something.  (more on that later).

Anyway, here's my take on the opening ceremonies in Vancouver - my own colour commentary, if you will.

First off - the light show was amazing - especially the orcas swimming along and spouting water - they almost looked real.

Boo-urns to Nelly Furtado and Brian Adams for lip-synching.  Seriously?  But then again, they showed Miss Furtado singing after the medal ceremony one night and it sounded TERRIBLE.  So maybe lip-synching wasn't that bad of a thing after all.  But really - she's not a chubby person, but her dress also looked TERRIBLE on her.  Ditto on her dance moves.  Also, what's the deal with all these Olympic songs having to be really sucky easy rock songs.  I'm sure the Hip could have done something better.  Heck, even the Bare Naked Ladies could have come up with something better than the drum-banging anthem.

Moving on.

Sarah M was divine.  k d lang (notice the case) was amazing.  A couple of comments on kd:  1)  From Emily:  "Why does that man keep pulling the microphone wire?"  Kathryn's answer:  "Well, first off, that's a girl".   2)  Song choice?  Not sure what the song had to do with the Olympics (or Canada for that matter).  Still, (s)he did an awesome job.

Then I got to thinking - what do people from other countries learn about Canada from these ceremonies?

A)  The prairies are boring, and Peter Pan lives there.  Then, when the prairies aren't boring, there are lightning storms and blizzards.  Also, in this section, could they have gotten a more stupid-looking close-up than they did of Patrick Chan's face?

B)  If you live on the east coast, you wear leather with kilts, have your hair in a mohawk, play the fiddle and make deals with the devil.

C)  VANOC doesn't care about French People.  (don't get me started on this)

D)  Our Governor General likes to sleep

Also, what was with that opera singer's hair?  She looked like a muppet.  Also, her singing was great for the first 10 seconds - then it went on for too long - and all at the same level of intensity.  Also also, the token Quebecois singer (and p.s., who calls themsevles by only one name?) was something I could have done without.

I did enjoy the return of Brian Williams and his outragedness.  I think he started on a tirade about the Russian drug cheats.  I really hope that there's a controversy in these Olympics that he can go on rants about.

I'm not going to talk about the failed hydraulics (though, I wonder if Bombardier had anything to do with them) - but I will comment that it was LAME LAME LAME that #99 had to get in a truck and drive for 20 minutes to light another cauldron.  Overall, the cauldron lighting was completely anti-climactic.  And why wasn't there any security keeping the rowdies away from the truck?

Speaking of the flame's truck ride - my favourite part of the ceremonies was watching dude crouched down behind Gretzky poking the torch up and lighting another one for him, and then hearing Brian Williams go on and on about how special that torch must be since it hasn't gone out yet.  I'm sure Lloyd (pronounced L-Loyd) was kicking him under the desk.

And on to the games themselves.  Really, the only thing I want to say is that I wonder how long it will be until they drive a proper zamboni in to the Richmond Oval to replace the crappy environmentally friendly one.  It must be enviro-friendly because it never works, so it never spits out greenhouse gasses.

Now, on to CTV.  I am not really enjoying CTVs coverage.  Especially the daytime coverage.  It's all too ETalk Daily-ish for me.  I also abhor their website - it's too cluttered, too slow, and too terrible to use.  But what I really miss from the CBC is the Olympic anthem - so I've included it here.  Feel free to click on it at every commercial break so you can pretend you're watching CBC.


Janine said...

Okay, we have the opening ceremonies PVR'd - so we will eventually get around to watching them. I will remember your comments.

Second, I believe they finally brought in the real zambonies from Calgary today.

And finally, our new favourite Olympic sport is Gayest Men's Figure Skating Outfits. Last night we saw the "gold medal winner" in a lovely pink ruffles and black patent leather outfit.

Janine said...

Oh yeah, the silver went to the faux gladiator the evening before.

Georgina said...

I thought I had clicked onto Janine's blog, so was reading this a la Janine-voice in my head. Then I thought, 'I wonder how Janine knows what Emily said about kd lang?' and then, 'Wow, Janine and Dave have EXACTLY the same sense of humour!!' and then 'Oh. This is totally the Deeds. That was pretty dumb of me. I must be pregnant.'