Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When? Soon. Now! BARF!

If you don't live in Edmonton, or if you do, and have been living the hermit lifestyle for the past month, let me catch you up:

About a month ago, billboards went up all around Edmonton with what looked like the Sprite bottle bubbles in the background and the word WHEN? printed in giant letters.

Then, after a few weeks, all the billboards were replaced with the word SOON. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm.

Then, the big reveal yesterday at 1:02 - the launch of a new radio station in Edmonton called Now! Here are reasons why I already don't like this station:

1) Stupid ad campaign. I hate the build-up / reveal style of ads. Whatever marketing genius thought these up should be tied to a chair and forced to watch endless loops of "Where's the Beef" ads.

2) The name. Seriously? Now! (note the exclamation mark). What kind of name is that? Also, why do they need to shout the name of the station?

3) The morning show. Now, granted, I haven't heard the morning show yet, but the hosts are named Mars and Crash. Is the first lession in DJ school 101 about how you have to pick a zany name? "Here's our morning hosts, Jiffy Pop and Quicky Lube". Stupid.

4) The song selection - "guitar-driven rock songs from artists that write their own songs" - sounds promising. First artist listed? Nickleback. Enough said. Actually, not enough said - this looks like the worst parts of The Bear, Capital FM and K-Rock all mixed together.

5) The frequency. 102.3. That's WAAAY too close to Sonic 102.9. Considering that Sonic's tower is a piddly little thing in Nisku (right by that awesome Flaman treadmill guy) - the Now! broadcast takes over that entire 102-ish frequency range. Which makes it near impossible to find Sonic on my clock radio, which uses an old-school analog dial for tuning.

Don't get me started on how much point #5 upsets me. For years, I've woken up to the hilarious ramblings of Garner Andrews on Sonic. Or, 3 out of 5 days a week, a song by Metric. What an awesome way to start the day! Now that Now! has taken over my clock radio's ability to find Sonic, I had to tune it to the Bear. I do NOT want to wake up to AC/DC. Also, Paul Brown and the other Paul Brown (Yukon Jack) (oh yeah, and the ditzy woman - seriously, why hire a hot chick for radio?) are complete morons, and make me want to throw my radio and smash it when I hear them. Not a good way to start the day in a good mood.

I want my MTV.

And by MTV, I mean Sonic.


Janine said...

At least you have the option of hearing some "guitar-driven rock". Here in Calgary we have about 10 hip-hop music. Do you like to hear "synthesizer driven crap??" then you should move hear.

About 2 years ago, a new station (Fuel) started that was named a "classic alternative" station - Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Chili Peppers, Beasties etc. And then a year ago, without any warning, it became AMP FM - all dance, all the time.

I haven't turned on the radio since then - in protest.

Plus, how can you wake up to radio? I just sleep through that. I need the high-pitched annoying sound to do the job.

Greg Loveday said...

Yep....I too would rather wake up to the fat, balding, white, middle aged Oprah (who is actually funny). There are already too many lame radio stations in this city....and now they encroach on the one that any good.

I think I might choose myself a "morning show name". These guys seem to be stealing cartoon names anyway, so maybe I could go by Sharkbait.

Just a thought, and I share the radio frequency thing, they should have taken over 101.3, that is not being put to any use :)

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering what kind of crap was coming down the pike after that style stifled ad campaign. Now I know.
I usually avoid the ass end of the fm dial anyway.

CJSR 88.5 has hit & miss morning shows if you're willing to wake up to something you've never heard. Even if it's bad you're more likely to go, "WTF?" than go back to sleep.

Avoid the chatty Brit on Thursdays though. I can't stand his playlist or his monologues.