Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Two all-beef patties...

Over the Christmas break, we had a party at our house for all the former Tropical Breeze dancers and their significant others.  At one point, the conversation got on to the movie Food Inc., and how gross it is where our food comes from, and then a fun discussion (read argument) about vegetarians vs. how good meat tastes.

But I digress...

The subject came up about the old McDonald's styrofoam clamshell containers, which precipitated a moment of me feeling old, and here's why:

One of the guys that was there asked "McDonald's used to use styrofoam?"

Boo-urns to the younger generation for not knowing this!

And as a special P.S. to this post - do you remember the first time you graduated from Happy Meals to ordering and eating your first Big Mac?  What an awesome coming-of-age ritual that is!


Georgina said...

Who didn't know about MacDonald's styrofoam?!?! Jeez, embarassing for him. I never ate Big Macs but I do remember the graduation to Quarter Pounders. . .

Janine said...

What's wrong with G? No Big Macs???

And I do so remember the Bic Mac graduation. I still talk about it with James all the time. I think he's sick of it.

Even more - I remember when McDonalds opened up in Edmonton. Mom never came, it was always our special night out with Dad. Him - Big Mac, C&I - Happy Meals.

Wait -- I just about abbreviated Big Mac...but it becomes BM. Probably symbolic of the aftereffects.

Jen Green said...

I used to save my parents' Big Mac and Filet O'Fish Styrofoam boxes. Then, I would line them up and stack them. The tabs created the keys to my typewriter. I was fascinated with the typewriter at my dad's office and thought my Mikey D's version was pretty awesome.