Monday, June 15, 2009

Dora, Dora, Dora the evil tyrant

Here's a conversation overheard from the back of our van:

We have these Dora pens where there's a little Dora figure on top of a spring at the top of the pen. The other day, Rebecca was playing with the pen and then broke the Dora off of it. She held it up to show me.

"Look daddy, it came off"
"Oh well", I say
"But that's better now anyway, because now she can fight."
"Yes, this is the mean Dora"
Emily: "And she's fat too"

(Here is where I could have taken the conversation to explain that fat people are not bad people, but I was more interested in the mean fighting Dora)

Rebecca plays some more, and I hear her say (to the other toys in the back, speaking as mean Dora)

"Come out you guys, so I can put you in hot lava and make you dead"

Yeah - awesome parenting there.


Colleen said...

Here all these years I thought it was my love of chocolate and treats making me fatter. Turns out I'm just becoming evil!

Colleen said...

One thought I had - on what good parenting you must be doing. Dora couldn't be evil until she was broken!