Friday, June 12, 2009

I can't believe it's not meat

The other day, Kathryn came home from grocery shopping with some yummy-looking stuffed chicken breasts. Only, once she got home, she realized that they were vegetarian chicken. We ate them anyway, and despite being kind of chewy, they looked and tasted like real chicken, even though they were made from some form of vegetable slurry.

Which makes me wonder, why is there a market for these things? What self-respecting vegetarian wants to buy fake chicken? To me, if you've decided to be a vegetarian, you should fill youself with vegetables, not fake meat. Learn to cook tofu properly or something.

If you want a hot dog, then go and buy a hot dog - stop wasting my store shelf space with your faux-dogs.

If anyone actually read this blog (other than my non-vegetarian family), I'm sure that this would anger them. Too bad. I like meat.


Janine said...

I also don't know why you would ever buy fake meat as a vegetarian. So I don't know who buys those things - oh, except for you I guess. Maybe people who aren't necessarily vegetarian but want to eat healthier, so they try to trick their families. But then - really, chicken breasts are already pretty healthy. I can see that argument working on the beef.

And if you were a veg. parent trying to covertly convert your kids to a veg. lifestyle, all you are doing is a) tricking them into being vegetarians while thinking they aren't, and b) getting their palates used to the taste of meat. So again, who buys these things??

Oh - I know. People who are dating vegetarians and who are pretending to be the same just until they see if the relationship goes anywhere or not.

Colleen said...

Maybe you can serve fake chicken, and wash it down with no-sugar, no-caffeine coke. Then, have some low-fat, non-dairy ice cream, and de-caf coffee.