Thursday, April 16, 2009

News banter

One thing that annoys me is news anchor banter to fill up the dead air at the end of a broadcast. Actually, I find it funny, especially if you watch it while thinking that the anchors hate eachother, but are forced to be nice on camera.

Anyway, last night, we caught the end of the CBC Edmonton news, and their feel-good story was about some people in Sweeden who made a life-size statue of Jesus out of Lego. At the end of the story, one of the anchors says "I'm sure that Jesus would love it".

I almost fell out of bed laughing....

On that vein, I wasted some time on youtube today watching news bloopers. Here are two of my favourites:

1 comment:

Colleen said...

This is totally unrelated, but funny. We watched a top 10 sports highlights, on funny sports names. Our favorite (and keep in mind my house is filled with little boys), was a horse race, where the winner was "Hoof Hearted". Just imagine the announcer repeating Hoof Hearted, many times, very excited, and ending with "Hoof Hearted in the winners circle!"