Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some random thoughts

Just a quick post with some random things that have been bouncing in my head, but don't warrant a full post each.

1) I like our new iron, but only because it occasionally makes a noise like the smoke monster on Lost.

2) When you let the snowmen in your front yard melt, you don't have to clean up the carrots, but you do have to deal with rabbit poo.

3) How does Swiper the Fox snap his fingers so well while wearing gloves?

4) Dora thinks a funny face is just putting your hands on your cheeks.... lame. But it was enough the make the grumpy old troll (or trumpy old troll in our house) laugh.

P.S. can you guess what we watched at our house tonight?

1 comment:

Georgina said...

I'm scared of the Lost smoke monster.