Thursday, September 4, 2008

Vandals and Ne'er-do-wells

Call me immature, but I get a kick out of rearranged road signs. My personal favourite was a signboard advertising for people to join the Edmonton police force. Some clever vandal had rearranged the words to read:

"Don't join the Po Po"


Close to our house, there's a big construction site where they're building what I think is going to be a Superstore. Anyway, attached to the fence, there's a placard that says "Danger! Due To: ", and then a big white space where the crew is supposed to fill in what the danger is on the construction site. The one I saw says:

"Danger! Due To: ZOMBIES"

Love it! That one made me laugh out loud (or lol - I probably would have rofled if I was walking) - which made me feel a bit silly for laughing to myself in the van.

1 comment:

Janine said...

I too love the creative vandalism. I hate when the letters are just rearranged to spell nasty words without any thought to humour. When you come, I'll be happy to point out some graffiti in our alley. The kids (since I'm assuming its not adults) just spray painted the word nenis (with a p) bugs me so much because it doesn't even make sense!! I could see if it was used in a sentence, such as James is a ... then it would at least show some thought.