Friday, September 19, 2008

Lipstick wearing pigs

Sarah Palin scares me.

Well, as a person, she doesn't literally scare me - but her policies sure do. Case in point - she actually tried to link Sadam to Al Qaeda. Seriously? Even Bush doesn't try to pull that one any more.

But she can see Russia from her house... (oh Tina Fey, is there nothing you can't do?)

I don't understand how Republicans can buy in to the talking points without being critical - Socialized Healthcare is bad - but a Socialized fire department is OK. (and so is a socialized security force). Big government is bad, they have no business in my private life - but please Mr. (or Ms.) government, can you let me carry my gun, stop other people from having abortions, and never let those gays get married.

I'm glad that in Canada, even our conservative politicians are more or less centrists, and even sometimes left-leaning. Except for Harper - who seems to be some kind of a sweater-wearing Robot.

Anyway - the election's coming up - please go and vote.... unless you're going to vote conservative - in that case, please stay home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those Republicans sure are easy targets aren't they?

Jack Layton scares me. He's very charismatic but if we ever have an NDP PM, shortly those warm & fuzzy tree-hugging, big spending PC policies will trigger an historic social & economic downturn the likes of which would be catastrophic.

Sweater wearing robot was funny - I almost wet myself. I just wish Harper had Layton's personality. Then we'd have someone we could all probably vote for.