Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I heart ustard

So, basically, I love custard. We had apple pie the other night, and I hadmine with some English custard that we got from my mother in law. Basically the best thing ever. I can eat it hot or cold (or any temperature in between)... come to think of it, one of my passwords at work in the past was coldCustard...

(Yes, having to think up a new password every month forces me to be creative)

I also love mustard.

Which makes me conclude that any word ending in -ustard must be a delicious food item. A quick Google search turned up bustard, which is some kind of bird (see picture). I'm sure that it is absolutely delicious, especially with mustard, served on a bed of custard!

1 comment:

Janine said...

You are really funny. I would not like to try a bustard, because I don't like custard or mustard. Yuckstard...thats what I call them