Monday, July 21, 2008

Just go to the effing potty!

Ok - so I absolutely HATE potty training. Rebecca is contrary at the best of times - but try and convince her that doing something is great and fun....

After a few weeks of Pull-ups, we decided that it would be a better idea to put her in real panties, so that the consequence of an "accident" (read on-purpose) is much greater. We were doing pretty well, until she went and hid behind the chair and pooped.

Alright, so that was an "accident". Mom and dad are sad, but not angry... clean, clean, clean (puke in your mouth a little). Kathryn asks her if she needs to pee, since she didn't. Might as well have asked her if she wanted her arm cut off, judging by her response. Ok, fine, new pair of underwear, off we go.

So I come back in to the room 5 minutes later to find her hiding behind the couch, in a puddle of pee, with a sad look on her face. Cue Kathryn and I losing it.

I carried her upstairs and put her in the bathtub and just told her to wait there while I cleaned up. (In the dark, no less).

Just for some context - we took the girls to swimming lessons a few weeks ago, and Rebecca absolutely hated the shower (not to mention the rest of the swimming class - did I mention she's contrary??). So Kathryn decides that a good punishment is that she'll have to be showered off after peeing.

"No no no!" says Rebecca... so I turn the shower on and start spraying her legs.

Rebecca: "Oh, that feels really nice"

This is where Kathryn and I turn red trying so hard not to laugh.

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