Friday, July 25, 2008

Bedtime woes

A couple of weeks ago, we were going through the standard bedtime routine, which generally involves carrying protesting kids to bed, then having them come out of their room for any number of made up reasons.

On this particular night, we actually convinced Rebecca to go in to her own bed (as opposed to Emily's bed, the floor in our room, or even the floor in the hallway). A couple of minutes later, she comes out with Emily telling us that she can't sleep because "there's this in my bed".

Upon further investigation, we find that she had puked in her bed the night before, and that the puke had now dried up on her sheet, pillow and blanket.

How you can puke in your sleep and not notice is beyond me. How you can sleep through someone puking in the bunk-bed below you and not wake up is also beyond me.


Janine said...

Sick sick sick. You need to put a caveat - I was eating lunch when I read this and the image of day-old puke popped right into my mind

Anonymous said...

OK that is nasty, but I have a kid who did that too - "Slappy" as Olivia now calls Sam puked on vacation on this huge beanbag in the cabin loft, and only realized it when his older siblings got sicked out. He had it all over his shirt, the beanbag, etc. It wish it was dried... or do I? OK comparing which state of puke makes me more sicked out is stupid.

Colleen said...

Even worse, I remember one time when Brent and Jordan were about 4 and 2, and Brent puked ALL OVER Jordan, and they both slept right through it! (Luckily, I didn't, so I woke them up...)