Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekly cooking - things in a pie

This installment of weekly cooking involves two things we make in a springform pan that aren't cheesecake.  (P.S., I have yet to use the pan for a cheesecake).

The first is Gordon Ramsay's Fish Pie.  I don't generally go for fish, especially in pie form, but this one has a cup of wine, a cup of vermouth and a cup of heavy cream in it.  How can you go wrong with that?  It was delicious.

Bubbling fishy goodness  I tried to draw a fish with fork holes on top, but it didn't really work out.

The second one is far more interesting (and has a much more interesting story).  A few months ago, we were visiting my sister in Calgary and they took us to a Moroccan restaurant.  The food was great, and what's better is that you eat it with your hands.  It was a lot of rolling up couscous into a sticky ball and cramming it in your pie hole.  Janine and I had no problems with this.  James and Kathryn, however, being first-born children, had a real hard time accepting the Moroccan lifestyle and had to use forks.  Haha, I laughed at them through a food-covered face.

Anyway, we ordered B'Stilla, which is a chicken dish in pastry garnished with cinnamon and icing sugar.  Yes, icing sugar!!  Desert and entrée all in one!

A few months later, we had a package of pastry left over from something else, so I decided to make our own version.  I had to combine two recipes - something new for me - but it turned out really great.  We've made it a few times now and I think our guests have enjoyed it.

More bubbling goodness
Here's the first recipe and here's the second.

Basically, follow steps 1-5 of the first recipe, except use one or two onions instead of four.  Don't buy Phillo pastry, instead get puff pastry.  Once the chicken is all ready, start with step 4 of recipe #2.  When making the layer of pastry in the middle, top it with cinnamon and sugar - be generous.  Top the last pastry layer in the same way.  Serve it with icing sugar dusted over the top.  Or, if you're me, coat the entire slice with icing sugar and add more as you eat.


Georgina said...

mmmmmm pastry dinners. We also had pastry for dinner last night - chicken pot pie, you can't go wrong. I actually said to Elizabeth, 'I hope you like pastry, because the thing is, your Mum & Dad love it.'

Janine said...

I think I'll try your moroccan dish. We went out for Lebanese...and it was the best falafel I ever had. But that's not the point. The point is that we had the best dip...some red pepper and pomegranate thing...that now I have to make that too.

Or I'll just cook up KD and call it good. I could have everyone eat that with their hands and see James get all uptight again.