Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ok, so I've talked about strange things I do, like going through the alphabet in street signs.  Well, here's another fave passtime (read OCD tendency) that drives Kathryn absolutely bonkers.

I love to spell things out backwards in my head and then say them out loud.  And by love, I mean LOVE.  But really, I should say evol.  This really helps pass the time when you're watching live TV and have to wait for commercials.  I like to see ads for Atoyot and Drof, Elppa and Yrrebkcalb.

The real fun comes from trying to pronounce the words properly the first time.  I get endless hours of fun out of this.  Of course, as with all my strange tendencies, I wonder if anyone else does this?  Does anyone else know their name backwards like I do?  (P.S., Lawobab Divad and in case you're curious, Lawobab Nyrhtak)

The other day, I was texting with Kathryn, and she wooted me.  So in reply, I sent her a toow.  Which made me decide that from now on, my standard response to woot will be toow, as in "Toow, I acknowledge your woot".

Then she loled me, to which I replied lol (but a backwards lol).  And then I spend the rest of the night thinking about palindromes.  An evening well spent.


Janine said...

we all know our backwards names...we even use them for our kids email addresses

you take it all a step further though, which is great because then it makes me look and feel like the lamron gnilbis

Georgina said...

This is a great post, and now I have to enjoy my eeffoc and soireehc. (It's annoying that 'ch' and 'sh' don't make the right sound backwards.)
(Also, Eeffoc is a way cooler sound than coffee).

Greg Loveday said...

Totally do this. Awesome. Wait til we get Glenelg !!