Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Next time won't you sing with me

A few months ago, my sister poster on her blog about a slightly OCD need to count things.  After borrowing first my mother-in-law's and then my sister-in-law's (yeah, shout out to Jammy) cars, I realized that I have another OCD tendency...

My favorite driving passtime is to find letters of the alphabet on my drive.  And I get really excited if I can get through the whole alphabet in order before I get to my destination.  Then there are the extremely righteous days where I can get through A-Z, 0-9 then 9-0 and Z-A.  Let me tell you - it's almost a religious experience.

Now, there are some rules to make it harder... in my mind, the alphabet game must be repeatable.  I.e., once I complete the alphabet, I have to know in my head that the next time I drive that route, I don't have to find the letters again, because I know they're all there... So, that means license plates are not allowed, nor are temporary construction signs, banners, those sign boards with moveable letters, etc...  Street signs and business names are really the only safe bets.

And the hardest letter to get?  Definitely J.

You'd think it would be one of the other oft-forgotten letters like Q, Z, X, V - but there are a lot of Zs around - Oversize loads, Loading Zone, Zellers... and X is on every speed limit sign (Maximum 60).  V is on every Avenue sign.  Yes - you get to know the tricks when you play the game as much as me.

And I loved when they renamed Highway 2 to Queen Elizabeth II - There's a Q, Z and U in there.  Awesome!

Speaking of the drive to Calgary - there's a sign for the turnoff to Joffre and one for Majteka road.  That will get you both Js for the double-alphabet game.


Janine said...

You win in the OCD category. Hands down.

Georgina said...

This. Is. Awesome.

Greg Loveday said...

suddenly i find myself thinking about signs on my drive to work. damn you ocd man.....damn you!!

Colleen said...

Can you make it through the alphabet to work if you only look at the first letters of words?

David said...

I tried that - J was easy because of Jeet auto... but X was near impossible! There are no X-Ray places (or xylophone stores) on my way to work.