Thursday, May 28, 2009

Poor Betty

I read in the paper today that Archie is going to propose to Veronica in an upcoming issue. Totally wrong choice Archie. My money's on Ronnie having an affair with Reggie the first time the jalopy breaks down. Betty would never do that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The people that you meet each day!

Here are a couple of downtown sightings:

1) I waited in line at Sobey's behind Fidel Castro. Here's how I know it was him:

a) He had the beard
b) He was wearing a tracksuit
c) He looked sort of crazy
d) He was wearing a local union hat (how's that for socialism!)
2) The other day, I was on the bus downtown, sitting near the back. The guy several rows behind me kept muttering / yelling "Natural Born Killers! mumble mumble... Natural Born Killers". The bus was pretty empty, so I started to get scared for my life. I didn't want to turn around, since making eye contact would put me at the top of the list of victims once the killing spree started.
Luckily, my stop came soon enough. As I got off, I looked back to see what dude looked like. Turns out he had a cast on one leg and crutches. I felt a little silly, because I'm pretty sure I can outrun a knife-wielding man on crutches. But then again, Richard Kimble couldn't stop the one-armed man from murdering his wife.

Monday, May 11, 2009

New fave website

Ok, so I've been wasting a lot of time recently on Broken Picture Telephone:

Basically, it's like that old telephone game you used to play as a kid. Only in this one, you either get some words and then have to draw a picture of the words, or you get a picture and have to write a description. As the website says, hilarity does often ensue.

My goal is to know enough people with accounts on the site to start some private games and have just people I know play them - so go sign up, and let me know your username. Mine is diids.

While you wait, some of my favorites:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dharma terrorists

The other day, I had to take the courtesy shuttle from the VW dealer to work. (Long story involving Georgina and Matthew's car and their trip to Europe).

Anyway, the shuttle van was the new VW minivan. One of my fellow shuttle denizens started talking about how he owned one of those old VW mini-busses. I immediately thought about the vans the Dharma Initiative drives around on the island on Lost.

Then I got to thinking (because really, who wants to listen to some old man reminisce about his old car), that before Lost, VW busses made me think of the Lybian terrorists in Back to the Future.

Just another area where Lost has taken over everything I think about.
P.S. After I added the images, I noticed that the vans are very similar... maybe the Dharma Initiative is trying to buy plutonium from Doc Brown!