Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You try to win, but you just can't win!

We spent a great weekend at my sister's house last weekend. Generally, these weekends involve two things:

1. Eating copious amounts of junk food
2. Me beating everyone at board games

I don't mean to brag (well, actually I do), but I seem to win a lot of the time when I play board games. Now - I'm not talking about your boring games that you played with your family growing up - we're into German-style games. Alex, my niece, even commented "why does Uncle David win all the time?"

Anyway, I thought about this and I think that there are several factors that influence my extreme prowess:

1. I played (and still play) a lot of video games.
2. I'm a computer programmer

Numbers 1 and 2 help me to hold a lot of crap in my head at once. But I think that the big reason is #3:

3. Growing up, I played a lot of games against myself.

Yes, sad but true. When your sisters are 6 and 8 years older than you, they are more interested in boys their age, and not the annoying little boy that lives in their house. I think I got so good at games because the only person who I could reliably find to play against was myself.

So take that Janine and Colleen - it's your fault that I win all the time!

1 comment:

Janine said...

Except really, we LET you win. You forgot to mention that. AND...who won at Thurn and Taxes?? Or whatever its called...ME ME ME and I do mean to brag.