Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Birkenstocks please

So my new addiction is the pre-made Granola from Costco.

What's bad about this, is that I'll eat a small handfull, and then in a couple of minutes, I'll be right back at the container, scooping up another handful.

Of course, since I'm eating just a handfull at a time - it can't be bad for me, can it???

Hmm - well, the problem is - I will continue eating small handfulls long after the roof of my mouth is chewed to a pulp, and my teeth are aching from crunching it all... (or the container gets emptied... woops)

1 comment:

Janine said...

Hey - I just bought some more of that granola - there should be some left by the weekend.

Don't worry about the addiction - after a few months, it'll be hard to look at it anymore. But then, you can take a break and come back to the crunchy goodness about 6 months later.