Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You try to win, but you just can't win!

We spent a great weekend at my sister's house last weekend. Generally, these weekends involve two things:

1. Eating copious amounts of junk food
2. Me beating everyone at board games

I don't mean to brag (well, actually I do), but I seem to win a lot of the time when I play board games. Now - I'm not talking about your boring games that you played with your family growing up - we're into German-style games. Alex, my niece, even commented "why does Uncle David win all the time?"

Anyway, I thought about this and I think that there are several factors that influence my extreme prowess:

1. I played (and still play) a lot of video games.
2. I'm a computer programmer

Numbers 1 and 2 help me to hold a lot of crap in my head at once. But I think that the big reason is #3:

3. Growing up, I played a lot of games against myself.

Yes, sad but true. When your sisters are 6 and 8 years older than you, they are more interested in boys their age, and not the annoying little boy that lives in their house. I think I got so good at games because the only person who I could reliably find to play against was myself.

So take that Janine and Colleen - it's your fault that I win all the time!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's a bird! It's a plane!

A few months ago, we were driving home, Kathryn and I saw an impressive shooting star. While it wasn't as impressive as the Edmonton Fireball, it was still pretty cool - and lasted for about 20 seconds or so.

Kathryn, (who immediately regretted it as soon as she opened her mouth) says to the girls "Look girls, a shooting star". Now, keep in mind that Emily can't find things in the house when they are on the floor directly in front of her.

Neither of the girls saw it before it burned up - cue the whines and cries. So Kathryn says "Oh no, I was wrong, it was just an airplane".

Rebecca ate it up, but Emily continued to snivel, pout and moan ("why do these things always happen to me").

Becca, in her meanest yelling voice, turns to Emily and says:


(and was probably calling her Triplet or Crank in her head)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Birkenstocks please

So my new addiction is the pre-made Granola from Costco.

What's bad about this, is that I'll eat a small handfull, and then in a couple of minutes, I'll be right back at the container, scooping up another handful.

Of course, since I'm eating just a handfull at a time - it can't be bad for me, can it???

Hmm - well, the problem is - I will continue eating small handfulls long after the roof of my mouth is chewed to a pulp, and my teeth are aching from crunching it all... (or the container gets emptied... woops)