Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Rebecca never ceases to crack us up with her wackiness... here are a few examples:

Emily is big into spelling things (part of being in Grade 1 I guess), so she often calls people by spelling their names. As in "Hey, M-O-M-M-Y, can I have some milk?". Rebecca, ever the imitator of the extreme coolness of her big sister, has attempted to do this too. When we visited Janine a few months ago, she tried it out on Kathryn. Her spelling of mommy? A-N-N-O-Y.

The other day, I took some toy or something away from her because she was playing with it instead of getting her shoes and coat on. (The issues with our girls getting ready to leave the house will have to wait for a future post). In her extreme frustration, she looked at me and said: "Dad, you ...... CRANK!" - this must equate to the worst word she could think of!

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