Monday, November 24, 2008


There are three things that cause me stress for no rational reason:

1) Being backed up in the laundry
2) Having un-read newspapers (being backed up in the newspaper reading department)
3) Being backed up in TV watching.

The three came together in perfect storm formation a few weeks ago when we went to visit my sisters in Calgary, and then spent a night in Kananaskis. The trimvirate of backed up things was terrible.

The good news is that I finally finished #1 last night - there is not a single load of laundry left to do in my house - a condition that will last for about a day (sadly).

I was caught up on #2, but I haven't read today's paper yet.

As for #3 - don't even ask... as a sign that we watch too much TV, I think we have 10.5 hours of recorded TV that we need to watch to catch up to last night. (D'oh!)... it's mostly because we've been wasting our nights reading Twilight to eachother (and now New Moon) - instead of just turning on the TV.

By the way, I've added some more photos to Facebook:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cruel words

So, I have come to the conclusion that the two most cruel words in the English language are:

Stutter and Lisp.

Try and imagine someone with either trying to tell people about their condition. So cruel.

Then I thought - what about people who can't say their Rs. A quick Google search turned up yet another cruel word - Rhotacism. (

I'm sure some speach therapists are laughing somewhere.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Guitar Hero and the White House

Last night, while playing Guitar Hero World Tour, I played Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama". Now, this morning, all I have in my head on an endless loop is "Sweet Home For Obama".

I'm sure the surviving members of Lynyrd Skynyrd would object to me co-opting their right-wing rant in praise of a Democratic African-American president. But, this Canadian man don't need them around anyhow.

Sorry if you sing "Sweet Home For Obama" all day now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Rebecca never ceases to crack us up with her wackiness... here are a few examples:

Emily is big into spelling things (part of being in Grade 1 I guess), so she often calls people by spelling their names. As in "Hey, M-O-M-M-Y, can I have some milk?". Rebecca, ever the imitator of the extreme coolness of her big sister, has attempted to do this too. When we visited Janine a few months ago, she tried it out on Kathryn. Her spelling of mommy? A-N-N-O-Y.

The other day, I took some toy or something away from her because she was playing with it instead of getting her shoes and coat on. (The issues with our girls getting ready to leave the house will have to wait for a future post). In her extreme frustration, she looked at me and said: "Dad, you ...... CRANK!" - this must equate to the worst word she could think of!