Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Ok, so a couple of weeks ago, we went to the Pearl Jam concert.  First off, I can't believe that Ten came out TWENTY YEARS AGO!!  I still remember driving around in high school listening to the album.  P.S. - why did we think that just driving around all night was such great fun?  Nowadays, driving is a careful balance of listening to Ke$ha in the car whilst trying to not throw something at the kids in the back who are constantly fighting and stroke or being annoying.

Anyway - back to the concert.  It was probably one of the best concerts I've been to.  Combine that with the last time they played here and it makes the ultimate PJ experience - they have now played almost every song that I've wanted to hear live. 

Here are my comments on the band:
  1. Eddie gets way crazier as the concert goes on - depending on how much wine he's drinking right out of the bottle!
  2. Mike McCready sure is pointy.  As in - he was constantly pointing at fans.  Also, I loved how he gave high fives to the audience right in the middle of the guitar solo in Alive
  3. Stone Gossard looks like a statue.  Dude - you're a rock star.  Rock out!
  4. Jeff Ament must get dizzy with all the twirling he does
  5. Matt Cameron - you are the drummer in TWO ultra-successful rock bands - please buy a shirt that fits you.
And my concert highlights:

  1. They played some awesome songs - I finally got to hear Alive, Not For You and Wash live.
  2. Singing the whole first verse of Betterman as a crowd
  3. The emotional moment of Waster Reprise and Life Wasted
  4. The awesome epic fail as the lead singer from Mudhoney tried not once, but TWICE to get Mike McCready on his shoulders
  5. Come Back - as requested by dude in the hockey shirt - that's becoming one of my fave PJ ballads
  6. The songs from Backspacer were awesome - Just Breathe and The Fixer.  wowzers!

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