Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekly cooking - Australian special

In honour of Greg's birthday, we're doing an all-Australian cooking special today.  This past weekend, the Heart-Ds had a Christmas party at their house.  As a special surprise, Dani asked Kathryn and I to put together a spread of Australian food to surprise Greg.

No problem!

We got some pointers from Dani and went to school researching some recipes.  In the end, here's what we made:

Mini Meat Pies - How can you possibly go wrong here.  Meat, onions, gravy - cooked inside pastry.

Peppered Camembert Dampers - Again - totally good.  Think Australian bannock, plus pepper, plus Camembert.  Whilst making the dough, I didn't think that there was enough pepper.  When it came time to knead the dough, I realized that, yes indeed, there was enough before I added a ton more.

Cranberry and White Chocolate Anzac biscuits - These are like coconut oatmeal cookies, with white chocolate on the top (or rather, bottom).  Excellent because the chocolate covers the burnt bits.

Cheese and Vegemite Scrolls - These used the quintessential Australian ingredient.  It was thick, brown and smelled nasty.  But, when combined with cheese and pastry, it tasted really good.

And finally, the kicker:

Fairy Bread - And yes, I printed this recipe.  If you're like me, and the thought of Battenburg cake makes you salivate and not nauseate.  (Sorry, it rhymed) - then you will probably like this.  Otherwise, give it a pass.

Anyway, here's the spread.  I think Greg was appreciative.

1 comment:

Greg Loveday said...

Makes me hungry just reading this. How good was that damper !! Awesome spread....and the fairy bread really is that good :)