Friday, October 15, 2010

It's my turk in a box!

Step 1 - get a turk in the box
Step 2 - umm... no junk in the box?
Step 3 - get her to open the box - and put it in the oven.

Yes - this year, we ate boxed turkey for Thanksgiving.  Let me tell you - there's no going back now.

Due to some shopping issues, there were no cook-from-frozen 18 lb turkeys left at the store when Kathryn went shopping for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Both she and I have huge nastiness issues with having a turkey sitting in a pool of salmonella, defrosting for a few days.  The thought of that makes my toes curl with the chuddiness.

So, we were left with Butterball's boxed turkey selections.  K bought one semi-reconstituted turkey "loaf", which was white on top, dark on the bottom, and looked like a ham, and one on-the-bone breast, but without the legs, wasteful bits, and nasty gibblies inside.

Super easy to make.  Open oven, insert turkey, cook.

Super easy to carve, which let me tell you, if you've never carved a turkey, is a GIGANTIC plus.  Especially the loaf - it was all slice, slice, slice, done.

I think that we're stuck with the turk in a box for the foreseeable future.

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