Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Does anyone else just feel meh? towards this season's So You Think You Can Dance? I know that the finale airs tonight, but I couldn't be any less excited. Really, I don't care all that much who wins, because I don't really like any of the contestants that are left.

Now granted, everyone knows that Alex was the bee's knees, if not the bee's Achilles tendon. But let's take a quick look at the finalists:

Lauren - ok, she's gotten way better. When she's dancing, I want her to win, because she's really good. But in the pre-dance packages, her personality rubs me the wrong way.

Kent - I think he's just sailed by on his deer-in-the-headlights good looks. Also, where are his eyes? Also also, he sucks at anything that's not contemporary.

Robert - He had a really great week last week. But what's with his hair? (maybe I'm just jealous, being bald)...

But here's what else bugs me about this season:

1) All-stars. This was the lamest of the lame idea. Sure, it was nice to see them all again, but part of the charm of the show is watching two contestants crash and burn on a quickstep together. None of the competing dancers really have any chemistry together. Also, I don't want to see a bunch of allstars in the opening routine on the results show - I don't care about them!

2) Top-11 vs. Top-20. There weren't enough dancers to start with. Maybe this is why they're all dropping like flies - they started halfway through the competition, so they pushed themselves too far.

3) Not too many ballroom numbers - it seems like every week is just jazz, contemporary, broadway, with Bollywood mixed in now and again (and don't get me started on the Tahitian number)

4) The judges - I don't like the American Idol format of having the same judges every week. Yawnfest. Also, why is Mia Michaels always in such a crappy mood? Seriously, enjoy something for once. And also, learn some proper grammar. That goes for all the judges - show some enthusiasm! I never thought I'd say this, but I miss Mary Murphy and her screeching. I also miss Lil' C.

5) Cat Deeley - Seriously, WTF is up with her? Does she do a line of coke at each commercial break? I swear that she's on something. She's laughing at a joke that nobody else in the world has heard... also, stop flirting, it's kind of creepy.

6) Choreographers - why, in a show that has 6 dances, are 2 of them by one choreographer? Is everyone else too busy making 3D movies?

At least there was no stupid Mrs. Tom Cruise dance this year (but maybe they'll pull that one out for the finale.)

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