Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekly cooking - Part 2

We got back to watching the F-Word again (after digressing with SYTYCD, Weeds and Big Love). This week, we made an awesome beef tenderloin with wild mushroom gratin topping.

Basically, Kathryn bought a hugely expensive fillet of beef, which was portioned and then sealed. By the way, searing the meat with nothing in the pan makes a lot of smoke.

On top, a mixture of wild mushrooms that had been sauteed and the liquid reduced. Mix in some egg yolk, cream and then top it all with grated parmesan cheese.

We had to substitute some generic mushrooms in the recipe that called for Shiitake, Oyster mushrooms and chestnut mushrooms. Also, we used whipping cream since you can't get double cream here. (and too bad!)

Despite the meat being a little on the blue-rare side, I think this one turned out well... You can ask Georgina, Matthew and Ali what they thought.

1 comment:

Janine said...

...yum double cream...just the name sounds good

...yum blue rare steak - I've become a fan

...yuck mushrooms...

...yum Gordon Ramsey...

My word is "hersest" like when something REALLY belongs to one of your girls, then it's the hersest..