Thursday, March 5, 2009

Teenage Love

I had to take the earlier bus home today, which means that I have to share it with a bunch of high school kids. Usually, I just put on my mp3 player and tune them out - but I'm glad that I didn't today.

There were these two girls (Janelle and no-name) who were talking about some boy (because what else do girls talk about?). First of all, Janelle wanted to text him saying "Hiya my giraffe" (??) - but she had to be told by her friend how to spell giraffe 10 TIMES!

Ok, what-ev-er!

ANYWAY, she then proceeded to leave him the longest voicemail that I have ever heard. Here are my favourite snippets:

1) Even if you had 200 pimples on your face, I would kiss all of them, every last one, until there was pus all over my lips. That's how much I love you.

2) I love you until the end of time. And if that doesn't happen, then I'll love you for ever and ever, even in my grave, my heart will be pumping for you. Even though that means I'm not technically dead. My heart pumps just for you.... pump......................pump.................(wait for it)..........pump......................pump

Yes - there were 4 pumps there at the end - all in a high pitched voice, and about 20 seconds apart.

Which makes me wonder, when I was in high school, was I that stupid?


Georgina said...

Deeds, you are still that stupid. Mwa ha ha!

Janine said...

Short answer - yes you were.

Although, probably not, since you were a boy.

When you said teenage love, I thought you were talking about me and Zac E.