Sunday, March 22, 2009

Special Olympics

Shame on President Obama for making a politically incorrect joke!

(yeah right).

Really, I think you should only be offended if:
1) You are in the special olympics (or, more properly, paralympics)
2) You are related to somebody who fits #1
3) You have never, ever, called somebody "special", or "retarded"

And I guess that if you must pounce on the man for his offhand comments, then you must agree 100% with the first 20 minutes of economic policy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Autobody shop

File this under strange observations:

I drove past an independent repair shop the other day and noticed that the parking lot was full of snow covered cars. This got me thinking that at every repair shop I've ever been to, or driven past, there are always the requisite broken, snow-covered cars in the lot.

Which makes me wonder:

1) Do autobody shops have a distributer, similar to restaurants, that supplies them with broken cars so that it looks like they have lots of work?
2) Who are the people who take their cars to the shop, but don't actually get them worked on for months? Did they max out the credit card on the towing charges?
3) Maybe it's the shop owner who buys smashed cars in hopes of restoring them when he has free time

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Teenage Love

I had to take the earlier bus home today, which means that I have to share it with a bunch of high school kids. Usually, I just put on my mp3 player and tune them out - but I'm glad that I didn't today.

There were these two girls (Janelle and no-name) who were talking about some boy (because what else do girls talk about?). First of all, Janelle wanted to text him saying "Hiya my giraffe" (??) - but she had to be told by her friend how to spell giraffe 10 TIMES!

Ok, what-ev-er!

ANYWAY, she then proceeded to leave him the longest voicemail that I have ever heard. Here are my favourite snippets:

1) Even if you had 200 pimples on your face, I would kiss all of them, every last one, until there was pus all over my lips. That's how much I love you.

2) I love you until the end of time. And if that doesn't happen, then I'll love you for ever and ever, even in my grave, my heart will be pumping for you. Even though that means I'm not technically dead. My heart pumps just for you.... pump......................pump.................(wait for it)..........pump......................pump

Yes - there were 4 pumps there at the end - all in a high pitched voice, and about 20 seconds apart.

Which makes me wonder, when I was in high school, was I that stupid?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nut man

I ran in to the Nut Man in the elevator at work today, and I came up with the following observation:

Is it always true that the Nut Man's appearance matches his job title?

I don't think I'd buy candy from a guy that looked as crazy as him.