Monday, March 17, 2008

Sibling rivalry

So, welcome to my very own blog. (woops, typed that as blob the first time).

I was reading my sister's blog, and decided that I needed to create one of my own. This decision is based 100% on the fact that I need to be better / funnier than my sister. Don't get me wrong - we get along really well now that we're all grown up - but I still can't get over 20+ years of fighting with her constantly.

I'm not sure why we fought so much growing up - I think it's probably because we were constantly struggling for the second place finish in the land of our mom's favour. We both knew that Colleen was the favourite, so any points earned towards that second-place status were highly cherished!

And it seems that the latest battlefield is going to be Guitar Hero III. Janine jumped the gun by ordering it before I could get my hands on it. She's got a week's lead on me - but I have a misspent youth of video game skillz that will definitely be a bonus. So Janine - GAME ON! (of course, I'm still waiting for mine to come in the mail).... hopefully I can be a real guitar hero before Easter.

One more thing Janine - do they have that great (read stupid) song that you used to play on your classical guitar? (Duh duh..... dinh, duh duh duh)

P.S. In case you're curious, Diids is my ace Mii at Wii sports.


Coleman said...

Nice, but too bad i'm gonna be the best at guitar hero.

Janine said...

So funny - I was going to post a comment here - but I'll just include it in my blog instead.

Really, the battle of GH3 really comes down to two things: 1. Your video game years vs. my guitar years (ha ha), and 2. My five kids vs. your newborn

Alex Thompson said...

Oh! Mom's five kids rock *high fives cole, sam, liv and will* BTW, my wierd code thing is davwd lol