Friday, June 17, 2011

Learned behaviour

Do you ever catch yourself doing silly things that you laughed at your parents for doing?  I caught myself twice in the last little while, and both of them were strangenesses passed on from my mom.

First, I will NEVER (said Eve style) drink the end of the milk.  I will go out of my way to avoid using the last part of the carton / jug.  (as an aside, that last part should read carton stroke jug - not carton slash jug - sounds more posh that way).  I don't actually believe that inheriting this one is a bad thing - have you seen the nastiness on a milk jug at the end of its life?

The second one is definitely weird.

Kathryn was hogging the sink in the kitchen doing dishes or something, and I needed a cup of water for something (maybe a recipe?).  Anyway - I went in to the bathroom to get the water from the tap there.  Then I paused.  Could I possibly consider using bathroom water to cook with / (stroke) drink?

What you need to know is that my mom NEVER drank water from the bathroom tap.  NEVER!  It took me a long time to work up the courage to use that bathroom water for my urgent needs, even though I've seen the pipes in my basement and know that it all comes from the same place.

Makes me wonder what I'm passing down to my kids.