Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bus driver hierarchy

As I waited for my bus at Millgate the other day, I started to wonder if there's a hierarchy of bus drivers.  In my world, here's how it works:

The best bus drivers get to drive the LRT (how cool would that be???!!!) - this is reserved for those extra-special people - or maybe a birthday treat.

Or maybe the best ones get to drive the hybrid bus on loan from BC.

The second step down gets to drive the bendy-busses like the #9.  Just because they get to be extra-awesome around corners.

Then comes the regular busses - not for over- or under-achievers - just achievers.

If you show up late for work, you have to drive one of the old-school busses - not as much fun, but still OK.

If you have a pretty bad record at the bus garage, then you're demoted to the little busses - not really a bus, but not really a van.  These are the second class citizens in the bus world.

And finally - School Special.  Yeah, 'nuff said.