Friday, November 5, 2010

Like a virgin

Madonna aside, today was one of those special days.  At breakfast time, it was the day when the new peanut butter jar got opened.

I love these days... everything's so fresh and new... with that machine-extruded PB nipple (for lack of a better word), just waiting for the first kiss of the butter knife.

A few months ago, this event was trumped by the ultimate in newness experiences - not only was the peanut butter new, but also the Nutella, and ALSO the soap in my shower.  This was a red letter, blue moon, once in a lifetime day.  I felt that I could do no wrong that day.

But come on, who can't resist opening a new bar of soap... first you have to open that little wrinkly package, then take off the little paper (aside:  what's the paper for, to make sure the soap is clean?).  Then, you have a nice bar with crisp edges and a hefty weight to it.  It's specially great because for the past week, you've been trying to lather up with a bunch of mashed together soap-chuds you found at on the floor of the shower.  Not fun.

Take a look at this - gives me shivers!

Another aside - can you imagine how much better the experience must have been when you had to open a BOX (!) to get your soap.

But back to today, with the peanut butter.  I found this image, which summed up my feelings.

1 comment:

Greg Loveday said...

I am still laughing at the thought of the PB nipple.
