Friday, October 29, 2010

Buy our product!

So, we actually watched some TV last week that had commercials in it (you can make your own guesses as to where our TV normally comes from).

I realized that there's a style of commercials that really drives me nuts.  It's those ones where you have a person saying a part of a sentence, and then it cuts to a different person who finishes the sentence.  Case in point is the ad for Ford (I think) that has this Microsoft-powered gizmo that can connect your electronic crap to your car.  "I can read email" ... "from my grandmother"  (author's note - quotes may or may not actually appear in the commercial).  The "climax" of the ad is when a bunch of people say the same word at the end of the sentence:  "It's like"... "magic" ... "magic" .... "MAGIC" ... "CAN YOU BELIEVE THE EFFING MAGIC GOING ON HERE???"

But on the positive side, one thing I love about commercials is when the same actor is in commercials for different products.  This is even better when both commercials air in the same commercial break.  My current favourite is the poor dude in the Benylin ad who's taking a sick day.  First off, he's clearly the one they make fun of at work, because he's average looking, whereas his co-workers are sharp-suit-wearers with perfect hair.  They call him to harass him at home instead of looking for the file on the network drive, like any normal person would do.

Next up, he's in a Scotiabank ad where he's much richer than he thinks.  Can't remember the details of this ad, except he does a really lame clap-like hand action at the end.

The reason I like when this happens is that I can make up my own backstory that links the commercials together.  I think this poor dude was drowning in debt, working 80 hours a week to support his addiction to aerosol cheese products.  He gets a hard time at work from his more attractive colleagues, and then a hard time at home because of the mountain of bills.  His wife books an appointment with the bank so they can address their debt, but he can't take the time off work.  So, he fakes being sick, pretends to suck back the Benylin, then heads to the bank with his wife.  It all works out in the end, because the banker finds money for him to enter rehab for his cheese-huffing problem.  Also, while he was at the bank, a disgruntled former employee goes on a killing spree in his office, picking out those who don't know about the network drive.

Maybe I need something better to do with my time.  Pass the EZ-Cheez.

1 comment:

Greg Loveday said...

This is annoying. There is one on Sonic right now about paying it forward. Drives me insane.

I gave a flower to a lady who.....(insert new voice) bought a coffee for a man who.....(new voice) shoveled my neighbour's walk who....blah.

We could make it fun though. How about....I kissed a girl who....once new a man who....once was a girl who....starred in a film that........ Diids can fill in the rest !!