Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly cooking - crepes Suzette

The girls wanted crepes for dinner as part of their fun week off school, so, as the good parents we are, we made them for them.

Then I decided to try making crepes Suzette.  I was seriously impressed with myself with this one.

We'll start with a recipe for crepe batter:

4 eggs
2 cups flour,
2 1/4 cups milk
1/4 cup margarine, melted

Blend, refrigerate for 1 hour.  Or, if you're our family, you're in too much of a rush to refrigerate:  use immediately.

I based the Suzette part on this recipe - but really, who has the time to make the orange butter beforehand.  Screw that.  Here's what I did:

Melt some margarine in a pan on high-ish heat.  Add some orange juice and a few tablespoons of sugar.  Combine all of that and boil it up, stirring constantly until it thickens a bit and turns a little syrupy.

Then, add the crepes.  You'll probably only be able to fit a couple in the pan.  Fold them up into quarters, making sure they're saturated with the syrup.

Next comes the fun part.  Add some orange liqueur.  I poured it over the back of a spoon without really understanding why this is necessary.  This tastes way better if you've stolen it from a friend's house.  (yeah, shout out Lovedays).  Depending on the heat in the pan, and if you have a gas stove or not, you may or may not need a barbecue lighter to ignite the alcohol.

Once it's flaming away, spoon some of the sauce over the crepes.  Wait until that bad boy stops burning and serve - drizzling the yumminess over the crepes.

Next step, text your wife to tell her how awesome you are.

1 comment:

Greg Loveday said...

Love it. Would be far more fun if we did it after 12 beers and half a bottle of tequila.

Then, we could replace the BBQ lighter with a fire extinguisher :)